Wednesday, March 30, 2011

i so dearly love to laugh

I love funny things. I highly doubt there is anyone who does not. And if there is, that would be incredibly sad. That being said, I think everyone has a slightly different sense of humor. But I've recently stumbled upon The Jolly Porter blog, and I feel I must share. It you appreciate sarcasm, then you'll love it. The author is actually the brother of Nie nie and Cjane. I think their family may just be taking over the blogging world. But there have been multiple posts where I find myself actually laughing out loud- which is rare. Usually if I read something funny I'll just give a slight smile or just think it's funny it my head. But you know something is really funny when you find yourself alone, laughing out loud. So read it.

Another blog I love is Rabbit in the Headlights. It's written by my friend Kinsey and Taryn's aunt, and Taryn turned me on to it. She's brilliant. One of her recent posts about her celebrity handcart company was hilarious. And very innovative. I appreciate that in a blog.

Also, if you haven't yet watched the darling Youtube video The tragedy of first position. Do it. It's so cute.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

my ray of hope

picture via cjane

In less than one month I will be in sunny San Diego. I have never been there before, but it has been far too long since I've had a vacation, and it has been even longer since I've been outside of the state of Utah. With the recent snow/slush that has been raining down around these parts this week long vacation is my ray of hope- the beach, Sea World, shopping, reading, sleeping in, the sunshine, the beach. I cannot wait. Taryn and I leave the day after I graduate from college!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

a rainbow wedding

This may just be one of the coolest weddings ever. See more at Martha Stewart Weddings.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

oh. hello.

So I'm going to pretend that it hasn't been nearly two months since my last post and just carry on...
Spring is in the air. It is almost here, I am certain of it. And as part of my Spring fever, I am dying to have a tea party. Complete with real tea cups, herbal tea, scones and cucumber sandwiches. Doesn't that sound delightful?

Getting all dolled up and enjoying an afternoon with the sun streaming through the window, surrounded by some of my favorite girls would be the perfect celebration to mark my impending graduation from college me thinks.