Thursday, April 1, 2010

i'm leaving on a jet plane

I'm not actually leaving anywhere-yet. But I want to. I've been day dreaming lately of everywhere I want to go. I'm itching to go explore somewhere new and different. Like my friend Amy said- I need new sights, and sounds and smells. That's the best part of traveling- discovering a culture different than your own.

Thailand, India, New Zealand, Australia, Austria, Ghana, South Africa, Colombia, Switzerland, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Israel, Greece, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Costa Rica, Norway and Finland- the list could go on.

I had really wanted to go to Thailand this summer but realized that would completely drain my bank account, leaving me broke for Fall semester. Instead, I'm (hopefully/probably) going to the exotic lands of Seattle, the Grand Canyon and Chicago. These lovely United States will have to suffice for a little while longer.

1 comment:

Holly Dunn said...

I haven't heard about the Seattle plan. What's up with that?