Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Yay me!

So I'm going to toot my own horn a little- I got accepted to be a University Writing Fellow. Basically I get assigned to a classroom and work with students on their papers. It's an ideal job for an English major. It looks great on a resume and it will be a great experience to help students in the writing process and (hopefully) help them enjoy writing. Because writing is fun! I am very, very excited. (Just ask my mom- I called her and was speaking about 20 mph out of sheer joy and excitement!)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Washington D.C.

I went to DC at the end of October and had a wonderful experience. I saw everything that I wanted to and came away with a renewed knowledge of how great America is and how inspired its founding was. I'm so grateful to my amazing parents who let me go. I have so much I want to say, but there are two things that I think will always stick with me about my trip, and both come from the American Holocaust Memorial Museum. I have always had a great interest in World War II and especially in the Holocaust. Going through the museum I was struck with the absurdity of the whole thing. How could one man inspire and invoke the hatred of thousands to the point of massacring millions of Jews? It's incomprehensible to me.

My first true insight came when I read the exhibit on Anne Frank. They had an excerpt from her diary that I want to share with you:
July 15, 1944 (there are only two more entries after this one):

"Anyone who claims that old people have a more difficult time in the Annexe doesn't realized that the problems have a far greater impact on us. We're much too young to deal with these problems, but they keep thrusting themselves on us until, we're forced to think up a solution, though most of the time our solutions crumble when faced with the facts. It's difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.
It's utterly impossible for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos, suffering and death. I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too will end, that peace and tranquility will return once more. In the meantime, I must hold to my ideals. Perhaps the day will come when I'll be able to realize them!"

What optimism and faith from such a young girl. In the face of the such an awful thing, she never lost faith in mankind or hope in a brighter future. I couldn't help but stand there with tears streaming down my face, in awe of this girl and mourn the loss of her potential and aspirations.

The other thing that hit me with such a great force is a room full of shoes. When new prisoners would come into the camps the guards would strip them of all belongings including their shoes. They would keep the shoes and use them for other things and then send the prisoners into the gas chambers. There was a poem posted above the shoes that broke my heart and truly explained the dismissal of human life.

"We are the shoes, we are the last witnesses.
We are shoes from grandchildren and grandfathers
From Prague, Paris, and Amsterdam,
And because we are only made of fabric and leather
And not of blood and flesh, each one of us avoided the hellfire."

-Moses Schulstien, Yiddish Poet

A line from the musical AIDA kept running through my mind as I continued through the museum- "That a life of great potential, is dismissed inconsequential."

Sorry to depress you, but I wanted to share some of my insights and some of what I took away from my fabulous trip. Happy posts will come- I promise.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Don't Want to Talk About It

I had to put some space between myself and the issue. All I can say is we lost, and it was soul crushingly awful. All our hopes are smashed into little tiny pieces. That's all I can say.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Oh my giddy aunt! A few weeks ago I went and saw AIDA at the Hale Center Theater in Orem and it was AMAZING! I have been dying to see this for years and finally, finally I got to. If you live nearby do yourself a favor and go, it's playing thru November 22 I believe. But a warning- you will fall in love with Radames. He is beautiful. I am now officially obsessed with this musical. Great music. Great story. Cute man-who sings. What more could you ask for?

Sunday, August 17, 2008


John Thomas Dunn

This is the beautiful John Thomas Dunn! 9 lbs. 3 oz.

Sadly, he was stuck under these lights all day for the 2 days he was in the hospital due to jaundice.

This is his blessing day!

Grandma Hess came to the hospital and was in the room when he was born. She's a very proud grandparent!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Washington D.C. Here Comes Jenny!

My parents are the best! For my birthday present I'm going to DC! My dad goes to Washington often for business and I always beg him to let me go but he always said no because it conflicted with school and he would be in meetings all the time. But yesterday, he called me and asked if for my birthday I'd want to go with him to DC at the end of October!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED. I've already started planning everything I'm going to see and do and eat (yes eat- restaurants are a vital part of the experience). Anyway, if any one has any advice I'd love to hear it. I'll be wandering around DC all by myself for 5 days! YAY!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


My mom had her baby! John Thomas Dunn was born on Wednesday July 16 at 9:50 pm. He was 9 lbs. and 3 oz. and absolutely beautiful. Pictures to follow soon! (I hope!)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Each Life That Touches Ours For Good

My 18 year old brother, Marshall had an...interesting experience that has really lead me to think and reflect the past few days. To explain the situation I'm just going to quote from my Dad's e-mail:
" Holly and I were waiting for him to get home from a trip to Lake Powell with some friends yesterday. They were supposed to get in around 6pm and we were still up waiting at 12:30 a.m. Monday morning.
It turns out that their fun trip to Powell had a very traumatic ending as they came upon a horrible accident in Emery County. People were asking if they had any medical training and it so happened that one of Marshall's friends is a certified EMT, but has not had any real-world experience to speak of. He suddenly became the "expert." A family and some friends towing two trailers ended up flipping their vehicle at full speed. Marshall and his friends helped pull the husband from the wreckage and administered CPR to him and the two fatally injured children. Unfortunately, all three ended up dying at the scene. It was a very horrific scene and I hate to think of these young men having to deal with it. Of course it's even worse to think about the poor mother, siblings and friends who survived."

Every time that I try to actually imagine Marshall and his two friends being in this situation and kneeling on the asphalt in the middle of no where, telling this poor woman that her husband and children are dead and but still doing all they can to help them, I am overwhelmed. It was up to these three 18 year old boys to help this family and I cannot even fathom how it must have felt. I am amazed at these boys and I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father put them there at the right time in order to help this woman and a few other survivors. While, I don't think that it's something that anybody, but especially three teenage boys, should have to face- I know that it was a good thing for them to go through and face and that above all Heavenly Father does have a plan and He always knows what He's doing- and it has a purpose.

Also, it made me extremely grateful for my amazing family and it made me realize that I should never take them for granted.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


My wonderful cousin Sam tagged me, so apparently I'm supposed to inform you about myself.
All about me, from A to Z
A-- Attached or Single? Single
B-- Best Friend? Candy Lou Mercer and Jamie Marie Hills
C-- Cake or Pie? Pie (particularly fresh peach pie-delicious!)
D-- Day of Choice? Saturday- I get the whole day to do whatever I want!
E-- Essential Item? Sadly, my cell phone and my Burt's Bees chap stick
F-- Favorite Color? Red
G-- Gummy Bears or Worms? Worms- they're so much more fun to eat
H-- Hometown? Ithaca, NY
I-- Indulgence(s) Cheesecake! (It's pretty much the greatest thing EVER) and Jane Austen movies
J-- January or July? July- the 4th is one of my favorite holidays and it's smack in the middle of summer
K-- Kids? Nope!
L-- Life is incomplete without? My familia, and my books
M-- Marriage Date? Not for a very, very long time
N-- Number of siblings? 5: Angela, Marshall, Parker, Joseph and Jacob (this is what I've decided we should name the newbie- NOT Hyrum or Brigham!)
O-- Oranges or Apples? Apples- oranges have that yucky white stringy stuff you have to peel off
P-- Phobias or fears? So I had to think about this one for a while but I've decided one of my greatest fears is my family dying and I'm the only one left- morbid huh?
Q- Quotes? "You would"
R-- Reason to Smile? It's summer! And I started my new job! And mom is having a baby!
S-- Season? Spring. It's just starting to warm up and everything is so beautiful!
T-- Tag 5 People?? I don't think I know five people- Jayson, Katie, Chloe- nope only 3!
U-- Unknown Fact? I sleep with a stuffed cow every night named Puffa- given to me by my friend Samara in England.
V-- Very Favorite Store? Target, American Eagle
W-- Worst Habit? Biting my nails- although I've gotten much better if I do say so myself.
X-- X-ray or ultrasound? I don't understand the question- but I'll just say neither because that implies something bad has happened.
Y-- Your favorite food? Cheesecake and pasta (in that order)
Z-- Zodiac? Virgo

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Happy Thursday

Today was a good day! First, I went to Olive Garden for the $5.95 unlimited soup, salad and bread sticks (highly recommend it- such a steal!) with two of my wonderful friends, then I went to work where I saw Bronco Mendenhall! That's right, I, Jennifer Lynn Dunn saw- in person- the head coach of the BYU football team. Probably one of the greatest moments ever- right there next to helping LaVell Edwards at the candy counter (he bought a pound of chocolate cinnamon bears, in case you were wondering). Then, to top off this fabulous day- the Boston Celtics achieved the greatest come back in NBA finals history and came back to beat the LA Lakers 97-91. The first half was a little sketchy, and I had my doubts but the Celtics played an amazing second half and Paul Pierce had an amazing defensive game and shut Kobe down. The perfect ending to a great day. And tomorrow is Friday- even better!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Babies of the 80s

This is how I spent my Saturday night. It was a blast! Some friends threw an 80's party so my roommates and I got all decked out and went to strut our stuff. We ended up creating our own party and dance down University Avenue. We got lots of honks and some random people off the street joined in the fun. Only in college ....

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Winds of Change Are Blowing

I've never been one who's enjoyed change- at least not significant changes. It's hard when you're counting on something or you're holding on to something and then suddenly it changes. Also, it's amazing how quickly things can change- a matter of a day or even minutes. I feel like I'm standing still while everyone and everything around me is changing. I suppose that's a large part of growing up but I don't like it. I'm also discovering that boys are a large part of this change. I always thought about getting married and dating and what it would be like, but I never stopped to consider what would happen when all my friends got boyfriends and leave me to be the lone ranger. It's kind of a bummer, and I'm itching to go somewhere or do something significant with my summer. If everyone is moving forward with their lives I should too! Any ideas?
PS Sorry if these ideas seem random- in my head they're all connected. :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I just found out that my favorite frozen yogurt place, Red Mango, is coming to Orem! It's so delicious and it's healthy! It's actual yogurt and they have a great variety of toppings. I strongly suggest that you all try it because you will fall in love!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

My New Favorite Team

The Patriots played the Giants during the Superbowl and I will admit that I was hoping the Pats. would win because I thought it would be awesome if they went undefeated. However, I have now decided that the NY Giants are my new favorite NFL team after the love of my life, Bryan Kehl (OLB, #41, BYU Cougars) got drafted in the 4th round to the Giants. I'm not going to lie, when I found out he got drafted in the fourth round I was estatic. Some crazy people were predicting him to go in the seventh. Seventh! I knew he was better than that and I had faith and now he's playing for NY- my home state! How much better could it get?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

One of the biggest decisions I will make is looming before me: what to major in. Today in one of my classes we had a guest speaker come in, who by the way is the found of Tahitian Noni and Stephen's hot cocoa, and he encouraged us to find our passion and to major in what we love and what we're good at. Two problems- 1. I don't know what I love 2. I don't know what I'm good at. Don't get me wrong, I think I'm decent at many things but I'm not especially good at anything and being at BYU it seems like everyone else is good, in fact amazing, at everything. I think I'm feeling a little lost in the crowd. I've been debating for a while as to what I would want to do with my life. For the longest time I wanted to be a teacher, but I've discovered I don't have the patience for it. Then I wanted to be a psychologist, but I didn't like my classes and I decided I didn't want to listen to other people complain all day. Now I'm thinking about English editing because I love books and I love to read, however now that I'm in some English classes I'm discovering that it appears that everyone around me has a great passion for English and mine is only a small flame. My dad suggested that I look into some majors that are offered at UVSC that aren't offered at the Y, however that idea is entirely too daunting to entertain as it means changing everything about my life (including friends, housing and a job not to mention a new campus etc). For a while I decided to just stick with English because I could go on to do other things such as law school, if I so choose. However, after the lecture today about finding your passion I feel like I need to dig a little deeper. And in the immortal words of Billy Joel "only fools are satisfied". So I guess it's back to the drawing board. Any ideas?

Saturday, February 9, 2008


I've never thought of myself as prudish but I'm coming to see that others might and to be honest, that surprises me. Last Sunday was the Super Bowl, and of course being LDS and attending a predominatly Mormon college, that question arises: "To watch or not to watch, that is the question." As I was growing up we never watched television or movies on Sunday, nor did we play on the computer or do homework. I came to college with these same ideals and up til recently I've held to them fairly well. However, when my roommates began the discussion about watching the Super Bowl and trying to find a party to go to, one of them mentioned how she would never marry someone who didn't watch t.v. or movies on Sunday and everyone proceeded to agree. In my mind however, I was thinking the exact opposite, I don't want to marry someone who does watch tv. This is not to condemn those you watch tv, movies or do homework on Sundays; everyone does things differently, and this is just my personal opinion. However, does that fact that I prefer to think of Sunday's as a day of rest and reflection make me a square? I will admit that I was to cowardice to fess up to my roommates that I disagreed with their opinions, but I did stand up for my views when the subject of R rated movies proceeded to be the next topic of conversation. (For those who couldn't tell- I don't watch R movies). I hope I'm not offending anyone, because that is not my purpose, but I'm just wondering where the line is. Why does being good and trying to live right make me prudish? Isn't that what we're all trying to achieve anyway?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

So I really should be working on a paper that's due tomorrow, but I don't really want to! People (and by people, I mean those not from Utah) at BYU are always complaining about how boring Provo is and how sheltered and conservative the people are. But I want to say that I like it! You make your own fun and if you look hard enough there are so many cool places that are little hidden treasures. This past weekend my roommates and I plus some guys we know went to downtown Provo and did an art gallery stroll which apparently takes place the first Friday of every month. It was so neat! There are a bunch of local artists, many of whom are still in school, who display their art in local shops and galleries. One of the artists was Jason Metcalf, who did some really interesting work that you can check out at his web site. Not only did we discover new artists and different forms of art but there were so many cool little shops that we found that had vintage clothes and accessories and just fun little finds. We also discovered this great taco shop called Diego's -SO GOOD! I love college, I'm just sad that homework and tests get in the way of my fun! Don't get me wrong, I love to learn but I'm slowly loosing my motivation to study and do well. Luckily there's the weekend! I'll try to keep you updated on other cool finds.