dear weather,
today you are perfect. absolutely perfect. i wish you would stay this way- sun shining, a few puffy clouds lingering in the sky and a slight coolness in the air.
dear future roommates,
please be nice. and clean. but i'd take nice over clean. and i'd take normal over both of them.
dear parents of incoming freshman,
please stop calling me and telling me your child's life story- it's irrelevant. just ask me your question and let me give you an answer. a ten minute phone call is unnecessary.
dear summer,
why are you almost over?! i've so enjoyed you- and i've taken advantage of you. if you promise to last a little bit longer i promise it won't happen again.
dear friends,
please stop getting married. it's no fun being single when you don't have friends to play with.
dear roger federer,
i hope you win the us open- i'll be cheering for you. and if possible, could you please play nadal in the final? i think that would be amazing.
dear byu football,
please hurry and make up your mind. are you going independent or staying in the MWC? i don't really care- just please choose.
jenny lynn
dear jenny,
i'm going to be very available the entire month of september to hang out with you and only you. I've started working on our list of stuff to do. I am excited,
love, candy lou
Wow, you were born to be an English major. I am thoroughly entertained. Now that we no longer live under the same roof I've taken to reading your blog again.
Dear Jenny,
I don't know why I didn't know you had a blog, but I love it even though it makes me very nostalgic. I'm very bored out here in Springville, and I'm really glad we got to celebrate your birthday last night, and I think we should keep hanging out, especially this weekend.
Love you lots,
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